Sunday, February 03, 2008

Update, Disasters, Thoughts etc...

Over dinner last night, Kelli told me she was waiting for a blog update, so I guess here it is. Whoa is me...I am down my trusty laptop. It is a long, long, long, awful story...too awful for my nice little blog, but it has nonetheless resulted in less online time for me. Here is a nice, neat list of what has evolved since my last post on January 22:

1. Discovered crafty pod casts on CraftSanity. I don't know why I never listened to these before, but what fabulous background noise for creating and driving! I am finaly learning to use an I-pod! Go me!

2. Made a pincushion, pattern can be found here :

3. Got kinda sick

4. Made knit dishclothes while watching our latest Netflix addiction, Big Love!

5. (Saving the toughest for last--well, almost last) I basted and machine quilted my little red quilt. Sadly, this was not fun, and I feel lucky to have survived! Seriously. First off, I had the brilliant idea to lay a sheet underneath it, to keep the quilt from getting cat hair and other grime on it of course and well, I basted the little sheet right to my quilt. Yes ma'm I sure did! I decided to just cut the sheet off rather than re-baste. So it wasn't so bad, just a minor detour actually. Well then today, I finally decided (which really means: got the guts) to machine quilt it, which I have NEVER done before. I researched and researched. I even practiced! But it was really hard! Explitives may have been spoken. I should note that I do not have a walking foot for my machine. And it is a mechanical machine, so there ain't anything fancy to help me out. It was VERY rough at first, but I finally figured out that lowering the feed dogs halfway did the trick okay. You really can't tell how "beginner" the stitching looks unless you really look close, so now that it is all said and done, I can take a deep breath. I did not ruin my little quilt after all. Yay!

6. Lastly, I have been thinking a lot about hosting a monthly craft night. Not at my house, but maybe at the library? My thought is, a library meeting room has plenty of space, a kitchen, plus tables and chairs and outlets for sewing machines. I've been thinking a lot about the social side of crafting, but yet I do all of my creating solo. It would be kinda nice to get together with other crafters once in a while and create and even learn from each other. I know of crafty people out there (and they are mostly librarians, but this IS who I primarily interact with), but I also know folks are busy and I am not sure I could gather a crowd. But then maybe I should just do it...


diane said...

Was wondering when you would update your blog again!! Craft night sounds good-although no wine drinkin at the library!!!

Cat Herself said...

I say "yes" to the monthly craft night. Of course, I SAY That, and then I realize that I already have commitments of one kind or another nearly every night of the week. Sigh. Maybe if we were in jobs where we didn't have to work 2 nights a week! Oh, or if we could justify making it a public program thing and do it on work time - wouldn't that be nice?

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