Thursday, October 12, 2006

A quilt...eventually

Since I last posted, I've been working on a baby quilt...and I made a skirt, which I haven't taken any pictures of because I still have to hem it...I didn't quite make it in time for summer, but perhaps on a balmy fall day I can wear it.

But the's hoping I finish it...the goal is to finish by Sunday at 2pm, but it is still in pieces or rather strips:

I still have to sew 3 more strips and then cut those into pieces and then cut a few more strips and sew them all together, baste, quilt and bind it, so we'll see! Oh, and if you look closely you can see David in the background of the picture above :) It feels good to be making a quilt again though. Something about quilting drives me to keep going and going until I'm done!


kingdomkelli said...

Did you finish the quilt? It looks really nice.

Amanda said...

I'm getting there...I should have the quilt top done tomorrow! Lola is slowing me down a tad :)

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