Sunday, October 15, 2006


So yesterday at work, I was setting up for a program when some kids told me a cat was in the library....In the library? I asked them...and they pointed to the bathrooms and there she was! A black/brown and yellow (calico I guess?) kitten in the upstairs lobby, not something you really expect to happen, but libraries do tend to bring on the unexpected...So I led her outside. I picked her up and she was instantly my friend, but I didn't know what else to do so I went back to work. But the more I thought about the little kitten out in the cold, and how friendly and trusting she was...I went back for her. I brought her back in. We kept her in the back room the rest of the afternoon and she slept and snuggled with the rest of the staff. I decided I had to take her home with me. And I did...despite the fact that I can't have cats (per my rental agreement) and despite the fact that David does not "break the rules." I just had a feeling about her...I mean she wandered in to my work!!! And she is just too sweet! If anything I will keep her until we find her a safe and loving home. And David, well, despite being pretty pissed about my little surprise, well I think he loves her too now.

We call her Lola...isn't she lovely? She makes me wanna break the rules!

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